Sunday, May 20, 2007

Prophet to the Prophets

This is episode 1. Click title above to listen.


Anonymous said...

Of what profit is it being a prophet, when no-one listens? There is no profit at all in being a prophet, when shepherds of lies are coming from the skies.

“So it is with gods and men,
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Until the shepherd leads his flock away”

Listen, human brother, religion is deception. Yes there is a God but he ain’t here. He never was, at least not literally. God will not answer our prayers until we have a change in mind, heart and spirit and (therefore) until the people are able to see through the deception, if they ever will, there will be no peace on earth.

Some may brand me as a prophet of doom but is anyone listening?

Sheep are so dumb. They suppose that their shepherds are good shepherds, for after all, a good shepherd looks after his sheep, giving them things they need…

But sheep are often took away in a van and after a long uncomfortable journey to a place they have never seen before, are then slaughtered for meat.

The shepherds tell lies after lies while they patronise, yet many sheep even volunteer!

So we are led into war after war and many are slaughtered by those shepherds of lies, to feed bloodlust and greed for power.

Sheep being somewhat thick don’t realise that they are being used in this way, even when it should be so obvious that I am speaking the truth… Sheep trust their leader because they are dumbed down to be like animals and are unable to think for themselves.

“So it is with gods and men,
The sheep remain inside their pen,
Until the shepherd leads his flock away”

Beta Male said...

...chicks dig prophets.